Legacy Batocera scripts

This is a historical page for how scripts in Batocera behaved v37 and lower. For the current page, click here.

You can opt to have scripts launched at various points in Batocera. This will change the location you save the script to and how it opens.

Sometimes you just want to fire up one script after successfully booting, for example when you want to start up a VPN or other after-boot tasks. In order to do this, create a script text file at /userdata/system/custom.sh. Be aware that the script will be executed independently of the executable (x) attribute being set to the script file or not!

This script is the very last one that will be invoked by Batocera at boot time after EmulationStation has launched (check /etc/init.d/ to see all the modules that are loaded before then, S99custom is when the user script is launched). The filename must be custom.sh otherwise it will not be checked.

Make sure your script ends with Unix line terminators (LF), not Windows-style line terminators (CR/LF) otherwise the script will not launch. Use a real text editor to edit your scripts, especially if you edit them under Windows.

To distinguish between different events, the first argument parsed in the script will change:

  • start Only when Batocera is booting.
  • stop Only when Batocera is shutting down.
  • restart FIXME
  • reload FIXME

Putting code outside of cases which check these arguments will always be executed on both boot and shutdown.

# Code here will be executed on every boot and shutdown.
# Check if security is enabled and store that setting to a variable.
securityenabled="$(/usr/bin/batocera-settings-get system.security.enabled)"
case "$1" in
        # Code in here will only be executed on boot.
        enabled="$(/usr/bin/batocera-settings-get system.samba.enabled)"
        if [ "$enabled" = "0" ]; then
            echo "SMB services: disabled"
            exit 0
        # Code in here will only be executed on shutdown.
        echo -n "Shutting down SMB services: "
        kill -9 `pidof smbd`
        rm -f /var/run/samba/smbd.pid
        echo "done"
        # Code in here will executed (when?).
        echo "SMB services: reloaded"
        # Code in here will be executed in all other conditions.
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit $?

In Batocera v32 and higher, scripts can also be launched early in the boot process, before much of Batocera has even begun loading. This is done by storing the script in the boot partition at /boot/boot-custom.sh. Keep in mind that this script will be limited to more basic commands/modules, as most things have not loaded yet. The filename must be boot-custom.sh otherwise it will not be checked.

Precisely, this is the first thing executed once init.d has begun. This is before the network/share population/IR remote daemon have even loaded so capabilities are limited. Check /etc/init.d to see the exact order of all the modules have been loaded in (S00bootcustom is when the /boot/boot-custom.sh is executed).

This can be used to effectively patch and/or override the modules loaded by Batocera. Here are some examples that are only possible with this method:

  • Customize or disable S33disablealtfn to allow a certain text mode console on a particular TTY session.
  • Run fsck -a or e2fsck -p to harden the file system against data corruption in the case of a power cut/disconnection.

This script is triggered by the same events and follows the same rules as it.

This still functions the same in current version of Batocera. Refer to the current page for its info.

EmulationStation scripting has not changed yet, so it is still on the current page.

Only the older script examples are here, for more examples check the current page.

    # custom.sh - place to /userdata/system
    # by cyperghost 23/11/19
    if [[ $1 == stop ]]; then
        batocera-es-swissknife --emukill
  • Splash video during game load (x86/x86_64) (credit to @algernon)
# Adds system specific loading screen videos to x86 builds of batocera via VLC
# Add your .mp4 videos to /userdata/loadingscreens naming them each with the same as in your roms folder i.e named snes.mp4 to play a video before for each snes game.
# Add this script in /userdata/system/scripts then chmod+x /userdata/system/scripts/videolaunchx86.sh in terminal to give this script permissions to run
do_videostart ()
	vlc play --fullscreen --no-video-title-show --play-and-exit $video
# Comment out the above phrase and uncomment this one to enable playing loading videos concurrently with emulator launch instead of before (experimental) 
#do_videostart ()
#	video="$1"
#	vlc_opt="play --fullscreen --no-video-title-show --play-and-exit"
#	vlc $vlc_opt $video &
#	PID=$!
if [[ "$1" == "gameStart" && -n "$2" ]]; then
	[[ -f "$video" ]] || exit 1
	exit 1
do_videostart "$video"
#wait $PID
exit 0
# Replace or comment out all the other code above except for the first bash line then uncomment the following phrase to enable a single loading splash for all systems. It should be named default.mp4 in the same folder as above.
#case $1 in
#	gameStart)
#		vlc play --fullscreen --no-video-title-show --play-and-exit $default
#	;;
#exit 0
do_videostart ()
    # Launch the video
    omx_opt="--no-keys --layer=10000 --aspect-mode=fill"
    omx_srt="--no-ghost-box --lines=1 --align=left $omx_fnt --font-size=20 --subtitles=/usr/share/batocera/splash/splash.srt"
    # Disable sound
    omx_nosound="-n -1"
    # -911 = Volume set to 35% (On omxplayer)
    # 1/(10^(911/2000)) = 0.35034828830157
    /usr/bin/omxplayer -o both --vol -2500 $omx_opt $omx_srt $omx_nosound $video &
if [[ "$1" == "gameStart" && -n "$2" ]]; then
    # Filecheck
    [[ -f "$video" ]] || exit 1
    exit 1
do_videostart "$video"
#wait $PID
exit 0
# Install videos of ZIP file to /userdata/OGST/
# Install scripts to /userdata/system/custom.sh and /userdata/system/scripts/OGST_screen.sh to use this script.
clean_cache () {
	if [ -f $cache_file ]; then
		rm -f $cache_file
case "$1" in
        # init TFT screen
        [ `/sbin/lsmod | grep -c spi_s3c64xx` -ge 1 ] && rmmod spi_s3c64xx
        modprobe spi_s3c64xx force32b=1
        modprobe fbtft_device name=hktft9340 busnum=1 rotate=270 force32b=1
        # wait fb1 loaded
        while ! test -e /dev/fb1 -o $N -gt 15; do
                sleep 1
                let N++
		# rename fb1 to fb_ (trick to ovoid conflics with some emulators like reicast...)
		mv /dev/fb1 /dev/fb_
        logo_file=$default_logo && loop=default_logo_loop
		logo_file='stop.mp4' && loop=false
		logo_file=$default_logo && loop=default_logo_loop
		logo_file=$default_logo && loop=default_logo_loop
		case "$2" in
			3do)				logo_file='3do/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			amiga)				logo_file='amiga/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			amigacd32)			logo_file='amigacd32/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			amstradcpc)			logo_file='amstradcpc/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			apple2)				logo_file='apple2/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atari800)			logo_file='atari800/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atari2600)			logo_file='atari2600/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atari5200)			logo_file='atari5200/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atari7800)			logo_file='atari7800/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atarist)			logo_file='atarist/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			atomiswave)			logo_file='atomiswave/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			c64)				logo_file='c64/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			cavestory)			logo_file='cavestory/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			colecovision)		logo_file='colecovision/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			dreamcast)			logo_file='dreamcast/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			fba)				logo_file='fba/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			fds)				logo_file='fds/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gameandwatch)		logo_file='gameandwatch/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gamegear)			logo_file='gamegear/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gb)					logo_file='gb/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gba)				logo_file='gba/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gbc)				logo_file='gbc/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			gx4000)				logo_file='gx4000/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			intellivision)		logo_file='intellivision/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			jaguar)				logo_file='jaguar/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			lynx)				logo_file='lynx/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			mame)				logo_file='mame/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			mastersystem)		logo_file='mastersystem/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			megadrive)			logo_file='megadrive/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			msx)				logo_file='msx/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			n64)				logo_file='n64/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			naomi)				logo_file='naomi/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			neogeo)				logo_file='neogeo/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			neogeocd)			logo_file='neogeocd/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			nes)				logo_file='nes/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			ngp)				logo_file='ngp/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			ngpc)				logo_file='ngpc/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			o2em)				logo_file='o2em/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			pcenginecd)			logo_file='pcenginecd/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			pcengine)			logo_file='pcengine/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			pcfx)				logo_file='pcfx/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			pokemini)			logo_file='pokemini/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			prboom)				logo_file='prboom/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			psp)				logo_file='psp/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			psx)				logo_file='psx/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			satellaview)		logo_file='satellaview/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			saturn)				logo_file='saturn/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			scummvm)			logo_file='scummvm/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			sega32x)			logo_file='sega32x/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			segacd)				logo_file='segacd/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			sg1000)				logo_file='sg1000/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			snes)				logo_file='snes/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			sufami)				logo_file='sufami/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			supergrafx)			logo_file='supergrafx/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			thomson)			logo_file='thomson/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			vectrex)			logo_file='vectrex/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			virtualboy)			logo_file='virtualboy/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			wswan)				logo_file='wswan/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			wswanc)				logo_file='atari800/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			x68000)				logo_file='x68000/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			zx81)				logo_file='zx81/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
			zxspectrum)			logo_file='zxspectrum/video.mp4' && loop=true ;;
draw_logo () {
	if [ $3 = true ]; then loop=-1; fi
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fb_ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null   #clear before draw
    ffmpeg -hide_banner -re -stream_loop $loop -i $1/$2 -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565le -f fbdev /dev/fb_ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &
	echo $! > $cache_file
# draw logo
if [ "$logo_file" != "" ]; then
	# kill last played video if running
	if [ -s $cache_file ] ; then
	    kill -9 $(cat $cache_file)
	# draw
	draw_logo $logo_folder $logo_file $loop
exit 1
  • launch_a_script_legacy.txt
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by atari