This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2020/12/08 19:53) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1

This is an old revision of the document!

batocera-settings is a commandline tool that can work with regular config files and read/write/change it's content. There are keys and values stored in a file like /userdata/system/batocera.conf.

  • It's recommended to use ## This is a text comment for text comments
  • It's recommended to use #enable.godmode=hallelujah for commenting values
  • It's recommended to descripe content and functions in text form
  • It's recommended to add content in sections
  • It's recommended to use the form key.description=value

Down here is a small excerpt of a config file

# ------------ B - Network ------------ #
## Set system hostname
## Activate wifi (0,1)
## Wifi SSID (string)
#wifi.ssid=new ssid
## Wifi KEY (string)
## after rebooting the batocera.linux, the "new key" is replace by a hidden value "enc:xxxxx"
## you can edit the "enc:xxxxx" value to replace by a clear value, it will be updated again at the following reboot
## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$
#wifi.key=new key

batocera-setting is utilized by parameters parsed. These parameters can be used in the long and in the short format. It's a relict of RecalBox times thus the expression python -command load -key user.key is used till today but arguments are now parsed to batocera-settings.

As batocera-settings is more modern and supports read/write/change of value let's see how the command line works:

  • BATOCERA Basic usage
    • batocera-settings -r [key] read key from batocera.conf
    • batocera-settings -w [key] -v [value] write value key=value to batocera.conf
    • batocera-settings -f [file] -r[key] read value key from file
  • BATCOERA Extended usage
    • batocera-settings -e -r [key] -s [system] iterate keys system.key and if not available use global.key
    • batocera-settings -e -r [key] -s [system] -g [game] iterate keys like above, but start with system[“game”].key

Basic usage: batocera-settings -f [file] -r [key] -w [key] -v [value]
Extended usage: batocera-settings -e -g [game] -s [system] -r [key]

-f – Loads any config file, default '/userdata/system/batocera.conf'
-r – Read 'key' and returns value from config file
-w – Write 'key' to config file, mandatory parameter -v
-v – Set value to selected 'key', any alphanumeric value
-e – Activate extended mode, needed for parsing game/system specific keys
-g – Any alphanumeric string for game, set quotes to avoid globbing
-s – Any alphanumeric string for system

If -e is not set the parameters -g and -s are ignored!
Value -w needs an additional valid entry for -v!
Use -w together with -e to create system/game keys!
Use the errorlevels for scripts!
Always use quotes if you use arguments containing blanks!

Whenever batocera-settings was called you will receive an exit code number. This will help to identify errors - morover for debugging you can use the status command to held usefull output.

File and Key/Values error
Error Code Error code explaination Troubleshooting
EC 0 No Error, value found 8-) You made it!
EC 1 General error, e.g. command line error 8-o Check your command line for correct parameters
EC 2 File error, e.g. the config file is not available m( Check file path and r/w access to it
EC 10 Value error, key found but value is empty 8-o Unusual setup but no error at all
EC 11 Value error, key found but it is commented out :-( Activate the key entry by uncomment command
EC 12 Key not found m( Add the key by manual or check your command line for typos

I present here some short scripts, to show you how to make batocera-settings work in your script. As I'm more confident in shell scripting I give you just some small exampels in shell script.

  1. bash: Obtain value
  2. bash: Activate UART in /boot/config.txt
  3. bash: Set a new key
  4. python: Obtain a value


1. bash: Obtain a value
#This is an example file how batocera-settings can be utilized
#to read a value out from /userdata/system/batocera.conf
value="$(batocera-settings -r power.switch.device)"
if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "Power Switch detected: '$value'"
    echo "No Power Switch detected!"

2. bash: Activate UART in ''/boot/config.txt''
#This is an example file how batocera-settings can be utilized
#to activate UART in /boot/config.txt
batocera-settings /boot/config.txt -w enable_uart -v 1
if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "UART activated, uncommented enable_uart"
elif [[ $ret -eq 2 ]]; then
    echo "File is write protected!"
    echo "I make boot-partition writeable"
    mount -o remount, rw /boot
    echo "Please restart script"
    echo "Key: enable_uart not found"
    echo "Not a Raspberry System?"

3. bash: Set a new key
#This is an example file how batocera-settings can be utilized
#to set a new key in /userdata/system/batocera.conf
value=$(batocera-settings -w core.PS4.emulator -v SONY4EVER
if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "PS4 core enabled!"
    echo "Annother error occoured!"

4. python: Obtain a key

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#This is an example file how batocera-settings can be utilized
#to read a value out from /userdata/system/batocera.conf with python
import subprocess
value = (subprocess.check_output(['batocera-settings', '-r', 'power.switch.device']))
if value:
    print "Power Switch Detected: ", value
    print "No power switch detected!"
  • usage_of_batocera-settings.1607453595.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by lala