This article needs some TLC. Read at your own risk.

Commodore Plus4

The Commodore Plus4 is a computer developed by Commodore. It was released in 1984.

This system scrapes metadata for the “c64” group(s) and loads the cplus4 set from the currently selected theme, if available.

Grouped with the “c64” group of systems.

  • Accepted ROM formats: .d64, .prg, .tap, .m3u, .zip, .7z
  • Folder: /userdata/roms/cplus4
Emulators Accepted ROM formats
vice: xplus4 .d64, .prg, .tap, .zip
libretro: vice_xplus4 .d64, .prg, .tap, .m3u, .zip, .7z

No Commodore Plus4 emulator in Batocera needs a BIOS file to run.

Place your Commodore Plus4 ROMs in /userdata/roms/cplus4.

vice configuration

Standardized features available to all cores of this emulator: cplus4.videomode, cplus4.padtokeyboard, cplus4.videomode, cplus4.ratio, cplus4.bezel, cplus4.bezel_stretch, cplus4.hud,, cplus4.bezel.tattoo_corner, cplus4.bezel.tattoo_file, cplus4.bezel.resize_tattoo

ES setting name batocera.conf_key Description ⇒ ES option key_value
Settings that apply to all cores of this emulator
ZOOM (HIDE BORDERS) cplus4.noborder Hides borders on many games. Some games used the borders.
⇒ NO (DEFAULT) 0, YES 1.

RetroArch (formerly SSNES), is a ubiquitous frontend that can run multiple “cores”, which are essentially the emulators themselves. The most common cores use the libretro API, so that's why cores run in RetroArch in Batocera are referred to as “libretro: (core name)”. RetroArch aims to unify the feature set of all libretro cores and offer a universal, familiar interface independent of platform.

RetroArch configuration

RetroArch offers a Quick Menu accessed by pressing [HOTKEY] + South button (B SNES) which can be used to alter various things like RetroArch and core options, and controller mapping. Most RetroArch related settings can be altered from Batocera's EmulationStation.

Standardized features available to all libretro cores: cplus4.videomode, cplus4.videomode, cplus4.ratio, cplus4.shaderset, cplus4.smooth, cplus4.integerscale, cplus4.bezel, cplus4.bezel_stretch, cplus4.hud,, cplus4.bezel.tattoo_corner, cplus4.bezel.tattoo_file, cplus4.bezel.resize_tattoo, cplus4.ai_service_enabled, cplus4.ai_target_lang, cplus4.ai_service_url, cplus4.ai_service_pause, cplus4.runahead, cplus4.secondinstance, cplus4.video_frame_delay_auto, cplus4.vrr_runloop_enable, cplus4.video_threaded

ES setting name batocera.conf_key Description ⇒ ES option key_value
Settings that apply to all cores of this emulator
GRAPHICS API cplus4.gfxbackend Choose which graphics API library to use. Vulkan may not work for every core.
⇒ OpenGL gl, GLCore glcore, Vulkan vulkan.
AUDIO LATENCY cplus4.audio_latency In milliseconds. Can reduce crackling/cutting out.
⇒ 256 256, 192 192, 128 128, 64 64, 32 32, 16 16, 8 8.
ALLOW ROTATION cplus4.video_allow_rotate Allow cores to set rotation.
⇒ On true, Off false.
CONTROLLER TO LIGHT GUN cplus4.lightgun_map Map controller inputs to light gun inputs.
⇒ On true, Off false.

libretro: vice_xplus4

libretro: vice_xplus4 configuration

Standardized features for this core: cplus4.rewind, cplus4.autosave, cplus4.padtokeyboard

ES setting name batocera.conf_key Description ⇒ ES option key_value
Settings that apply to all systems this core supports
MODEL TYPE global.plus4_model
COLOR FILTER global.vice_plus4_external_palette Can be used to simulate colors of particular displays.
⇒ default default, colodore_ted colodore_ted, yape-pal yape-pal, yape-ntsc yape-ntsc.
ASPECT RATIO global.vice_aspect_ratio Change the output resolution ratio.
⇒ PAL 576x312px pal, NTSC 492x262px ntsc.
ZOOM (HIDE BORDERS) global.vice_zoom_mode Hides borders on many games. Some games used the borders.
⇒ Auto-disable zoom auto_disable, Auto zoom automatic, Off disabled, small small, medium medium, maximum maximum.
Button Options global.vice_retropad_options RetroPad Face Button Options.
⇒ B = Fire disabled, B = Fire, A = Up jump, Y = Fire rotate, Y = Fire, B = Up rotate_jump.
CONTROLLER PORT global.vice_joyport Most games use port 2, some use port 1.
⇒ Port 1 1, Port 2 2.
CONTROLLER TYPE global.vice_joyport_type
⇒ Joystick 1, Paddles 2, Mouse (1351) 3, Trackball (Atari CX-22) 6, Koalapad 10.
KEYBOARD PASSTHROUGH global.vice_keyboard_pass_through Keyboard shortcuts unavailable if passing through the keyboard.
⇒ Off disabled, On enabled.

Here are the default Commodore Plus4's controls shown on a Batocera RetroPad:

For further troubleshooting, refer to the generic support pages.

  • systems/cplus4.txt
  • Last modified: 23 months ago
  • by atari